Well I’m back to “the grind” as they say, after a wonderful vacation. I was able to enjoy some warmth, sunshine and relaxation. It doesn’t get much better than that! While on vacation, I got caught up on my massive amounts of magazine reading. How does one manage to collect so many every month? That’s a question my husband often asks of me as well.
My friend I was on vacation with, who by the way looks about 30 when she is in her early 40’s, had a good question for me. With so many products out there, how do you know what you are supposed to use and what is good for you? Good question – and one I have often asked myself. With the vast amounts of products available it can become overwhelming and downright confusing! Use vitamin A, use vitamin C, but not with A, use a serum, don’t use a serum, it makes you want to throw in the washcloth.
Well, Allure magazine to the rescue. The April issue, shown here, has one of the most comprehensive articles on the exact subject my friend asked me. The magazine devoted several pages to anti-aging, and one of the articles is titled “The Biggest Myths”. This has 13 bullet points on what is a myth and what is fact. Things like “The More Anti-Agers You Layer On, The Better” and “Over-The-Counter Creams Can’t Build Collagen In The Skin”. It answers all those gnawing questions and more.
Pick up your copy, it’s well worth the few bucks the magazine costs in saving you money and time at the skin care counter or shelf. Some of the topics are well worth discussing here in the future, so I’ll be coming back in the future with more details on this subject.
Help! I can see the wrinkles coming in my forehead!