Women over 40 beauty, Skincare, Fashion, Fitness and Lifestyle

A new study conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and Dermik Labratories, reveals what influences a woman in her decision when considering medical anti-aging treatments.    Women the ages of 35-69 were surveyed, and they’ve either had or have considered medical anti-aging treatments.

Here’s the top three deciding factors:

  1. Physician Training and Expertise:   95% of the women said this was the most important factor.
  2. Gradual Results that Last Two Years:  89% of the women preferred gradual results lasting two years over immediate results that only lasted six months.  Additionally, 75% of women preferred gradual results lasting two years vs. 25% who preferred immediate results lasting only one year.
  3. Information from Physician and Web Sites:  99% of women receive information about medical anti-aging treatments from health care provides or health and medical websites.  Their doctor was the best source of information when making a final decision.

This is a positive trend that women are being more educated in their decisions and about the procedures before going through with them.  Safety and quality is something that we don’t want to sacrifice.  The ASDS has made positive strides in informing patients as their safety is their main concern.

Additional results show:

  • 15% of women who have undergone procedures previously are influenced by friends, family or co-workers.
  • 60% are influenced by the price of a treatment.
  • 1 in 3 women who have had an injectable treatment have ad another type of non-invasive medical anti-aging treatment.
  • 58% who’ve considered a procedure are more likely to trade off cost for long lasting results
  • 91% of injectable users considering anti-aging treatments would rather have results last longer than occur immediately.

Interesting statistics to consider if you’re contemplating any type of anti-aging medical treatment.   Always be educated.