I had the great opportunity to attend a book signing last night, of the TLC “What Not To Wear” specialists. Signing books were Clinton Kelly, Nick Arrojo and the gorgeous Carmindy. All three of them could not have been more fabulous! Such sincerely nice people as they chatted with everyone that waited in line for their book/s to be signed.
I’m going to focus today on Carmindy. First off, does she not look FABULOUS!? She had on a beautiful dress and to-die-for shoes. And her face – even more beautiful and flawless in person. As I had her sign my copy of her book, “Get Positively Beautiful” I told her that I write a beauty blog for women over 40 and she was excited for me. She asked me if I got samples of her product (they were giving away a few things and I got a lip gloss and under eye brightener) and then she gave me a few suggestions for me. She wanted me to try her foundation and listed the color for me, and her all over face brightener. I’m definitely going to give the products a try. The ones I received last night I will be posting about in a future post.
But more about her book. I think this is a great book for several reasons. One of the main reasons I love it is because she can easily relate to the “average” woman. She discusses her beauty journey and really focuses not on our “flaws” but making those unique features to actually focus on! What a refreshing concept, we’ve been preached to on how to cover our flaws, and this book teaches us to accept and enjoy them.
In another chapter, she teaches us how to accentuate our eyes and by shape and color of iris and which colors work best. Carmindy answers our everyday questions, big and small about makeup and what it can do for us. And of course there is a chapter of fantastic makeovers. You have to love makeovers!
At the end of the book, Carmindy lists high end and budget brands for beauty products for every part of the face, tools, and skin care.
Carmindy also told me that she has switched out all her products on the TV show What Not to Wear to the Carmindy line. I highly recommend this book – and not just because she’s a super nice woman, but in addition to that, she makes you feel like a special woman. Thanks Carmindy!
I agree i adore her.
I think she’s an amazing contrast to people like Keyn Aucoin who were all about creating an entirely new face from a blank canvas. And no one can say anything bad baout Kevyn in my book but Carmindy’s philophy is much more approachable and takes much less time.
Plus it just looks more natural.
As an aspiring makeup artist I try ot take inspiration form otehr people’s work and I definitely adore hers.
I love her…I’ve been meaning to save some money to get a one-on-one consult with her…I’m sure I’d never look more gorgeous after she got her hands on my makeup bag!