Santa baby, just slip a sable Clarisonic under the tree, for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.
Oh how I am definitely asking for one of these from Santa this year! I have never heard anything but wonderful raves about the Clarisonic. People say their skin and lives have been transformed forever because of this wonderful little machine. It was one of “Oprah’s Favorites” in the past years – that alone should convince everyone they need to own one!
Go to and order yours today (or put in your request to Santa)! They know times are tough and the Clarisonic is an investment product, from now and through the month of December you can get yours in four easy payment installments. Love that budget planning idea!
Another great idea – they will personalize your Clarisonic as well – because let’s face it (no pun intended) if you own one of these, you know that significant other in your life will take one look at your beautiful skin and want to use it for themselves. It’s available in White, Pink (for the girlie girl) and graphite (for the manly one). If you pay for yours in full ($195) then you get a FREE .5 oz Daily Renewal Serum, headband and travel bag – plus free shipping! That’s over $55 in FREE – while supplies last.
As a skin care junkie – I agree – I’d much rather have the Clarisonic than a sable!
Did you receive your Clairisonic? Is it as wonderful as you’d hoped? I’ve been reading conflicting reports on it and don’t want to shell out $200 unless it’s really worth it. I have sensitive skin/adult acne – really pain in the butt. I use products w/salycilic (s/p?) acid and it helps – some reports say this is as good as Clairsonic? I value your opinion – thank you!
I bought a Clarisonic a few years ago and LOVE it! If you have sensitive skin, be sure you use the brush for sensitive skin. I know they say you can use 2 x a day – that may be a bit too much. I only use mine about 4 times a week, not the days I use an exfoliant. I personally don’t have acne, so I can’t tell you my experience from that point of view, but I know my dermatologist highly recommends it as well. As in all things, moderation is key.