Women over 40 beauty, Skincare, Fashion, Fitness and Lifestyle

I’ve been reading this great book called “Confessions of a Beauty Addict” written by fellow beauty blogger Nadine Haobsh.  It’s a great book and I’ll be sure to review it for you when I am completed.   

But there’s a bit of humor involved with this book and my husband’s wicked sense of humor.    Here’s the letter I sent to Nadine and the photos that were attached.   Nadine had a good laugh as well!

Hi Nadine,

I had to share this with you. My husband is a real jokester and I have this doll named Katie from when I was a little girl – centuries ago. Poor Katie over the years lost all her clothes and my mother gave her back to me several years ago and I put her in a closet. Well, every once and awhile my husband will play tricks on me and hide her in unsuspecting places and most times she scares me to death when I open a door and there’s Katie!

Well this morning I left my bed unmade so when I got home I would throw the sheets in the laundry. When I got home – this is how I found Katie. So intensely reading your book! I thought it was hilarious and that you would enjoy the photos.

Here are the photos I sent to Nadine as well.
